What’s the difference between a cold and th ..
Aug 14 - 2022
The common cold and the flu may seem similar at first. They’re both respiratory illnesses and can cause similar symptoms. But different viruses cause these two conditions.Your symptoms can help you tell the difference between them.Both a cold and the flu share a few common symptoms. People with either illness often experience:runny or s
Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Perih, rasa terbakar dan sakit di dada adalah satu dari sekian banyak gejala asam lambung naik yang bisa dirasakan seseorang. Bukan cuma rasa terbakar, rasa perih juga kerap muncul yang berakhir mual dan muntah sampai kehilangan nafsu makan.Walau demikian, rasa sakit, perih bahkan rasa terbakar ini kadang tidak jelas
One of the biggest reasons people choose IV therapy instead of oral vitamins is the difference in how your body absorbs and uses the vitamins. When you take an oral vitamin, it travels through your digestive system and your body metabolizes it slowly. As the pill moves through your stomach and intestines, a lot of the nutrients are lost. I